Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Guilt-free Pickle Butter Sandwich

In my experience as a mostly stay-at-home mom, I've discovered a lot of new things.  I'm not sure I would have made these discoveries if I was not home-bound 90% of the time.  I spend most of my days mopping floors, cleaning up dog hair, putting away puzzles.... I find myself physically busy....... equal parts emotionally fulfilled and deprived/drained...... but mentally... bored?  stagnant? sometimes.

(This is not to overlook the fact that I am also.....


and nourished.

and privileged.

beyond measure.)

I will now explore and share with you the things I know to be true in this moment.

Because my brain.. it needs to think of these things on days such as these.

1.  All I want is for my kids to be happy.  And by happy I mean grateful.  Literally that is it. 

2.  Your kids are who they are.  Let them be who they are.  Coercing and bullying and shame and reward might change behavior, but will create their vices.

3.  Bathing is not that important.  I am wondering people.. how often do your kids bathe?  Everyday?  I would think that is not a good thing.  Clean teeth.. important.  Clean butts.. important.  Clean arms and legs?  Meh. 
For the record I bathe myself everyday.  But my kids are not old enough to be that stinky.  So this rule will expire at some point.

4.   Love is unconditional.  People know when they are rude... and irritating.. and just awful.  Like sometimes I know I am just being such a jerk.  And after I say.. "okay, I won't be a jerk at all anymore."  And then I am a jerk again.. and just don't know if there's anyway that I will be able to stop being a jerk permanently.  But Ryan.. I think he loves me anyway.  Is that even possible?  I didn't know that love prior.  Do it.  Note: He is sometimes a jerk, too, and I try to overlook it.  It is a harder task for me.. letting things go..
I guess that's another one of those ways that I am a jerk.  Damn!

5.  Sometimes you are awful and you have to change.  Sometimes you are not that awful and that person should shove it.  It all depends on the unacceptable awfulness threshold limits of the observer... and what a worldwide average might be.  Some people think they are always awful.  Some people think they are never awful.  Both are wrong.

6.  When your kid asks for a pickle butter sandwich, it really is not much less nutritious than say.. a grilled cheese sandwich, or a bologna sandwich, or a grilled bologna and cheese sandwich with mayo.. so you should think about these facts, and feel less guilty about making a pickle butter sandwich.  Or a mayonnaise and cheese sandwich. 

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts that are true - to me!  That does not mean they are true to you! :)

Love this picture of my girl.... p.s. still taking pictures for free, if there are any takers out there, get in touch!

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE if you could take some pictures taken of my 6 month old son for free! :D Your pictures are wonderful.
